Wednesday, September 3, 2014

100 Happy Days| #2

Monday 25th- Sunday 30th

Day 1- Today was the first day of my senior year, it was confusing and crazy, but on the drive to school I blasted music. (:

Day 2- After school I had a little treat at the frozen yogurt shop here in town. So delicious!

Day 3- Cuddles with my kitten is always the best (:

Day 4- I bought the cutest shirt online today and i'm super excited for it to come in the mail! (:

Day 5- On my run today I saw the cutest little bunny and then found baby bunnies in the bushes!

Day 6- Today was a nice day inside just chilling out and taking a breath from everyday life.

Day 7-  I got to spend the day with a friend of mine going to the rose garden and then getting waffles at the waffle window. (:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

How to Start Out the School Year the Right Way!

*Photo Source
   Oh my lands! It's already September and you know what that means?  Yes, that all so much dreaded time when summer decides it's had enough hooligans wasting away it's hours. School surprises us with early mornings and late nights filled with homework.  I hope that you all can say you've had a great summer as I did!  Since September is just in a few days, it's time to try and brake those summer habits of sleeping in, social media-ing it up all night long, and maybe eating those 1 or 2 more cookies you probably shouldn't of had.  It's ok!  We're all in the same boat here sailor. 
   Getting good grades and having a great school year in general is all about preparation.  This starts with a consistent morning routine.  It's said to take, 21 days to form a habit. If so, why not use the month of September as your good habit starter month?  Setting your alarm and waking up early consistently, will help create a healthy pattern for the rest of the school year!  Walking up early gives you time to make sure you have all of your books, pens, phone, ect... also making sure your not running late!  Another bonus is you'll have more time to eat breakfast.  It is the most important meal of the day! (; 
   Getting organized by buying a planner and actually using it!  Yes, i'm accused of it to... i've bought planners before, but never got motivated enough to actually use them.  Over the last year i've realized a few things about myself, one being that I have to stay completely organized in order to function.  The actual act of writing down an assignment or a thought has been shown through studies to help in memorization as well as obtaining and understanding. 
   Do not be afraid to ask questions!  What's the worst that could happen? It's more then likely
someone else has that same question and is to afraid to ask as well.  Showing that you're really trying to understand and involved yourself in the class room can help improve your grades as well.  
   Create a homework routine at the beginning of the year and hopefully it sticks through the rest of the year.  It is best to do this especially if you have extra curricular activities because it helps you stay organized and helps you accomplish more than you might expect! (: 
Lots of love 

Photo source*

Monday, August 25, 2014

100 Happy Days| Weekly

I saw a 100 Happy Days blog post a few weeks back and thought it was such a good idea!  I love the idea of thinking each day what made it good or if it wasn't such a great day thinking about a moment that was good.  Just staying positive and making the best of everything can be so powerful.

Monday 18th- Sunday 24th 

Day 1- Monday: Last night I spent the night with my best chummy Cassie. We took some lovely pictures and i've gotten to edit and post some of them through out today on my instagram.  
Day 2- Tuesday: I spent a few hours with my lovely friend Jessica going to the Gorge! It was so beautiful and peaceful.

Day 3- Wednesday: I was able to get a few more hours in of sleep and got some cuddles from my kitten, Leo.

Day 4- Thursday: Today was a bit of a girl day, I got my hair done and then went a bit shopping.

Day 5- Friday: A white chocolate caramel americano with soy as been my go-to!  It so delicious and my favorite drink right now. Of course with fall fast approaching I might add a bit of pumpkin to it, but we'll see.

Day 6- Saturday: My church was camping about a hour from where I lived so I popped on over and spent the day with them. I also was able to learn a couple songs on the ukulele. I'm kind of addicted now... shhhhh.

Day 7- Sunday: I'm reading the second book to the Thirst series, a bit a reading does a girl some good (; 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Surprise Pictures| Cassie and I

  On sunday evening I visited my chummy's house and took a few pictures before we went for Menchies Frozen yogurt.  I thought I'd share a few with you. They turned out so beautiful I wish we'd had more time to have a proper shoot, but at least we got a few fun ones!

Monday, August 18, 2014

What's in My Bag

   My Purse is from Urban Outfitters and I tried to find it again, but didn't see it on there website.  I absolutely love this purse, I've had it for about 2 years now and i'm still in love. 

My Purse isn't to cluttered and crazy because it's already to heavy on my shoulder.  Also I just can't stand clutter!  
I have my daily planner which I got from my community college store. 
Both the WILD CHILD mirror and my leopard wallet are from forever 21.  
My sky blue watch with gold accents is from Anthropologie- Absolutely love this store!  
I just bought these new mirrored sun glasses from Aerie.  
My little coin wallet was given to me.
Can't leave the house with out having a few lip balms- Baby lips and nivea lip balm. 

   This is what I have in my bag at all times... it fluctuates everyday of course and I have a separate bag with my makeup essentials that goes along with me each day. Let me know if you're interested in snooping a peak inside my everyday makeup bag!  

Sierra Rain 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Oh For the Love Of Music #1

     So i've had this idea for a bit now.  Music is such a huge part of my life, I turn it on when i'm sad, happy, melancholy, waking up, going to sleep, ect.  I thought each week i'd have my song for the week that really highlighted it.

   This week was especially hard after having to put my dog Julie, to sleep tuesday morning.  She was an amazing dog and i'm sad that she's gone, but happy I had the time I got to spend with her.  It's still a touchy subject so i'll go strait into the song.

All of the Stars by: Ed Sheeran  

 I've really been listening to this song lately and I loved the book(The Fault in Our Stars), but haven't gotten around to watch the movie.  I will admit i'm a bit scared to watch the movie, as the book had such a big impact on me, and I don't want the movie to ruin it for me.  I've only heard good reviews, so one of these days i'll give in and watch it.  What did you think about the book and/or the movie? 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

New Hair | Hair History

My original natural hair is a white blonde color, I had this all the way until I was 10. It then darkened up a bit and became a dirty blonde... then I started dyeing it black, brown, highlighted brown, and red. 

Here I am at about 2 years old at my mom's wedding. 

      I've always been a huge lover of long beautiful hair, but after dyeing my hair multiple times over the past 3-4 years my hair inevitably became brittle and damaged.  I used to go from black to blonde highlights to brown to blonde all in one year.  Basically I changed hair color each season.  There wasn't anything I truly liked and felt comfortable in so after dyeing my hair all over blonde I decided I needed a change from my mid length hair.  So I chopped it off!  It's a bit more edgy and I feel the most comfortable and happy i've ever felt with this hair cut.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Tumblr Digest| #1


   After looking at the clock and seeing that it's 3am I realize tumblr has once again deprived me of sleep.  I'm sure it's happened to the best of us. (:
   Pictures can mean a thousand words! The past week has been full of stress and melancholy feelings... So here's a few pictures that have really spoken to me and that I think are beautiful.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Pink Drinks and Sunsets

I had a lovely time with my mom in portland last night.  We went to the Harlow cafe and got a Kale salad and blueberry lemonade.  SO delicious, if your in the portland area defiantly check it out!

Then, this poor little birdy was stuck in our horse's water bucket.  So I scooped him out and he hung on for dear life to my finger with his feet. 

I thought i'd introduce you to my spoiled little boy.  He was being extra cute yesterday so I just had to share (: 

Hope you all have a beautiful day lovely's (: 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

25 Facts About Me

1. I'm happiest in the rainy darker days rather then the sunny days. 

2. I can't wait to have a family of my own (I still have a ways- hold your horses).

3. Winter is my favorite time of the year. All during summer I'm thinking about what i'm going to wear or things i'm going to do when fall-winter comes.

4. I'm a huge list maker. I make lists about items I need to buy at the store, things I need to ask people the next day, anything list-able I will do it. 

5. I'm very family oriented. Any boy that i'm interested in or people that I meet and start to become friends with, if i'm not accepted by your family then it's really hard for me. I want my mother to like and accept my friends, if she doesn't quite like one of them I will take into consideration why she doesn't and there's been times when I haven't remained friends with that person because of the advise from my mom. 

6. I absolutely love to cook, but am not always able to do it because of school or work. 

7. I was raised a vegetarian and I wouldn't say i'm a complete vegetarian now because I do eat chicken occasionally.  

8. I am a only child. 

9. I've play piano and want to learn guitar, but don't think i'll ever have the time and patience to learn.

10. I love pie, but absolutely hate cake. 

11. I have freckles and it's a love/hate relationship. 
12. I really push myself to be a confident and strong person. 

13. My mother is my hero. She's so strong and always knows just what to say.

14. When i'm nervous I bite the inside of my cheeks and lips. One time I did this and then went to talk to someone and had blood all over my teeth. It was quite embarrassing. 

15. I don't like dogs except my dog Julie because she's more a person then a dog. (;

16. I love to buy clothes, but mostly online. 

17. I can't stand loud noises. 

18. The last time I went on holiday was when I went to Barbados 2 years ago. 

19. I'm totally satisfied with my height and hope I don't grow any taller. I'm 5'5

20. I've change my hair color a couple times a year, but i'm trying to keep it one color for now so it can get nice and healthy! 

21. I grew up in the country and am a country girl at heart. I only enjoy driving to the city for a couple hours and then going back to the country. 

22. I'm the worst texter known to mankind. 

23. I can be very OCD.

24. I LOVE to read! 

25. Friends and family are so incredibly important to me. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

OOTD & Hot Summer Days

Shirt: Lucky Brand  Pants: Hollister  Shoes: Old Navy  Belt: Forever 21

  Today I Decided to put a cute outfit together as it was my first day of summer school.  And the weather was beautiful! 70's in the morning and then 82 in the evening! (:

Friday, July 11, 2014

To Eat or Not to Eat?

Blackened tacos and Hibiscus tea from Natives Cafe. 

  In the past 2 years i've learned that I'm majorly allergic to wheat/gluten.  Finding foods that I can eat in town, wether i'm going for dinner with friends or a lunch by my self, is so difficult!  Yes, I've been that girl who sits with her friends at a restaurant and while my girls have heaping plates of food, I'm stuck eating the mixed greens salad.  It can be utterly unsatisfying and frustrating not being able to pick any item off a menu and eat it.
   Although, it seems in the past six months gluten free labels have been appearing more, and people are becoming aware of food allergies, such as gluten.  I have a bundle of restaurants that I enjoy and know I can go to that have gluten free options, but it's usually only one or two items.  I haven't been able to find a restaurant that makes delicious gluten free dinner items.  Usually i'll eat a big lunch if i'm in town and have little to no dinner, which is actually healthier for me anyways!
   For a number of years, my wonderful mother has had a dream sit on the "back burner", and that is having a cafe. It would be mainly vegan, have gluten free options, have a full juice bar, and what ever else she or I(mainly she) thinks up!  I think it'd be awesome if she pursued it, but like most dreams, there are other variables such as money and time.  She also has recently discovered her allergy to corn and gluten. I thought just having gluten as a allergy was bad enough, imagine not being able to have tacos or chips with salsa!
   After everything said, I thought I'd make a list of all my favorite places to eat in Portland, Oregon.  Keep in mind I'm not only gluten free, but also vegetarian.  So, all if not most will be vegan/vegetarian restaurants.  (:

*All of these restaurants are in Portland, Oregon

1. Vita Cafe
2. Blossoming Lotus
3. Native Foods Cafe
4. Paradox Cafe 
5. a.n.d Cafe
6. Papa G's 
7. Cup & Saucer 
8. Bread & Ink 
9. Prasad
10. Harlow 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Julep Maven Beauty Box | Review

MIGHTY nail and cuticle serum, Black Canvas face primer,  Kendra- nail polish, Oscar- nail polish

         By now, i'm sure you've heard of the polish company Julep. They have a beauty box subscription called Maven- I like the idea, but the execution... not to much to be desired. I'm not a huge person when it comes to nail polish. I like to go more natural unless i have the time and money to go to the nail salon where they can make it look gorgeous and last longer.
I've a few different post from several bloggers listing many issues with Julep and i'd have to say i'd agree with most of the other beauty bloggers. After receiving the box I ended up canceling my subscription a few days later. I wasn't very impressed with the amount of stuff i've got. I've bought the Beauty Box 5, and they carry more of a selection and amount in there box. Also i've seen and read that there's other boxes out there that have more products that they send out. I feel that after getting just one box i'd be bore receiving more. Also when I called to cancel my subscription the lady I talked to was not the nicest person. She had an attitude and just was not the easiest to deal with.
I join because they were having a sale and I ended up getting the box for free(paying only for shipping), and I wouldn't pay for another box after this experience.

I hope this post has been informative- hehe

All my love, Sierra 

Friday, January 31, 2014

This Week #1

The Week from Instagram @sierrarain_becomingmyself: Basically how what my week was filled with // Hibiscus iced tea and lemonade from one of my favorite places for grub // My cloudy day smiles // Field trip to the great land of Sephora // Bath bars and soaps from Lush Cosmetics // My all time favorite store anthro as all was mastered brining happiness into my life just by entering the store // The Oh, so gorgeous sunset from my back lawn.

Product Pick of the Week: I've been really loving the L'Oreal true match (spf 17/cool) foundation in alabaster C1. I've been really loving the way it sits on my skin. I've always been a bit scared to try any kind of foundation because I have freckles and I thought i'd be way to hard to use foundation or even find foundation that didn't cover them, but gave me coverage. Up until about a month ago i'd been using BB cream- it was ok but didn't provide the coverage that i wanted sometimes for party nights or more proper occasions. I've been really loving this foundation. 

Blog Post of the Week: I've really been raving about The Private Life of a Girl. I love the layout and colors so clean and chic. All of her pictures are so unique and I absolutely love them! My favorite post this week? Since I Met You- I'd love to create a wall like this eventually. If I ever get up enough patience and will power to do each and ever little print off or remember to save the little things.

Must-Hear of the Week: Not necessarily beauty related, but maybe you can have a glimpse of the kind of music I absolutely love. I Know- Tom Odell this song is so gorgeous and just lightens my mood completely, right up there with my favorite songs now! My second choice is The Lonely Hour- Sam Smith Man, this song is so emotional and raw. I've had it on reply for the past 3 hours now, I love the acoustic- his voice is just perf.

Added to the Wish List this Week: So I may be a little slow to the finish line, but I'm dying to get my hands on the newest Urban Decay palette #3! It's so gorgeous and the color scheme is so beautiful. Urban Decay never fails to deliver! A girl can never have to many palettes right?
All My Love Sierra 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Luxury Bath Time | Lush Secrets

Left to right: Mmm Bath Melt-$7.95, Space Girl Ballistic $5.25

So this morning I decided to pop into Lush Cosmetics and I should haven't known, every time I go I'm always picking some more lovely products. I've been craving some bath time so I decided to pick up a bubble bar and bomb. Lush cosmetics is one of my favorite places to go- everytime I walk in it's like I've walked into another beautiful world! Ithe pink bath melt smells like cottencandy and let me tell you it is to die for! I wish I could have a scratch it or something on my page where you could smell it!! I'd really like to try there lips stains- there gorgeous and look so interesting! I think that'll be my next purchase. Let me know if you'd like me to do a review on the lip stains!

All my love, Sierra