Wednesday, September 3, 2014

100 Happy Days| #2

Monday 25th- Sunday 30th

Day 1- Today was the first day of my senior year, it was confusing and crazy, but on the drive to school I blasted music. (:

Day 2- After school I had a little treat at the frozen yogurt shop here in town. So delicious!

Day 3- Cuddles with my kitten is always the best (:

Day 4- I bought the cutest shirt online today and i'm super excited for it to come in the mail! (:

Day 5- On my run today I saw the cutest little bunny and then found baby bunnies in the bushes!

Day 6- Today was a nice day inside just chilling out and taking a breath from everyday life.

Day 7-  I got to spend the day with a friend of mine going to the rose garden and then getting waffles at the waffle window. (:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

How to Start Out the School Year the Right Way!

*Photo Source
   Oh my lands! It's already September and you know what that means?  Yes, that all so much dreaded time when summer decides it's had enough hooligans wasting away it's hours. School surprises us with early mornings and late nights filled with homework.  I hope that you all can say you've had a great summer as I did!  Since September is just in a few days, it's time to try and brake those summer habits of sleeping in, social media-ing it up all night long, and maybe eating those 1 or 2 more cookies you probably shouldn't of had.  It's ok!  We're all in the same boat here sailor. 
   Getting good grades and having a great school year in general is all about preparation.  This starts with a consistent morning routine.  It's said to take, 21 days to form a habit. If so, why not use the month of September as your good habit starter month?  Setting your alarm and waking up early consistently, will help create a healthy pattern for the rest of the school year!  Walking up early gives you time to make sure you have all of your books, pens, phone, ect... also making sure your not running late!  Another bonus is you'll have more time to eat breakfast.  It is the most important meal of the day! (; 
   Getting organized by buying a planner and actually using it!  Yes, i'm accused of it to... i've bought planners before, but never got motivated enough to actually use them.  Over the last year i've realized a few things about myself, one being that I have to stay completely organized in order to function.  The actual act of writing down an assignment or a thought has been shown through studies to help in memorization as well as obtaining and understanding. 
   Do not be afraid to ask questions!  What's the worst that could happen? It's more then likely
someone else has that same question and is to afraid to ask as well.  Showing that you're really trying to understand and involved yourself in the class room can help improve your grades as well.  
   Create a homework routine at the beginning of the year and hopefully it sticks through the rest of the year.  It is best to do this especially if you have extra curricular activities because it helps you stay organized and helps you accomplish more than you might expect! (: 
Lots of love 

Photo source*