2. I can't wait to have a family of my own (I still have a ways- hold your horses).
3. Winter is my favorite time of the year. All during summer I'm thinking about what i'm going to wear or things i'm going to do when fall-winter comes.
4. I'm a huge list maker. I make lists about items I need to buy at the store, things I need to ask people the next day, anything list-able I will do it.
5. I'm very family oriented. Any boy that i'm interested in or people that I meet and start to become friends with, if i'm not accepted by your family then it's really hard for me. I want my mother to like and accept my friends, if she doesn't quite like one of them I will take into consideration why she doesn't and there's been times when I haven't remained friends with that person because of the advise from my mom.
6. I absolutely love to cook, but am not always able to do it because of school or work.
7. I was raised a vegetarian and I wouldn't say i'm a complete vegetarian now because I do eat chicken occasionally.
8. I am a only child.
9. I've play piano and want to learn guitar, but don't think i'll ever have the time and patience to learn.
10. I love pie, but absolutely hate cake.
11. I have freckles and it's a love/hate relationship.
13. My mother is my hero. She's so strong and always knows just what to say.
14. When i'm nervous I bite the inside of my cheeks and lips. One time I did this and then went to talk to someone and had blood all over my teeth. It was quite embarrassing.
15. I don't like dogs except my dog Julie because she's more a person then a dog. (;
16. I love to buy clothes, but mostly online.
17. I can't stand loud noises.
18. The last time I went on holiday was when I went to Barbados 2 years ago.
19. I'm totally satisfied with my height and hope I don't grow any taller. I'm 5'5
20. I've change my hair color a couple times a year, but i'm trying to keep it one color for now so it can get nice and healthy!
21. I grew up in the country and am a country girl at heart. I only enjoy driving to the city for a couple hours and then going back to the country.
22. I'm the worst texter known to mankind.
23. I can be very OCD.
24. I LOVE to read!
25. Friends and family are so incredibly important to me.